2023 Seattle Open Squash Tournament
Seattle Open Squash Tournament Let's Dew It! Online Sign-up Link
Seattle Open Squash Tournament Let's Dew It! Online Sign-up Link
The sound of squash balls reverberated through the Columbia Athletic Club Tuesday night, amidst rounds of cheers and applause as 24 players from 6 teams...
The pre-league captain's meeting will be via Zoom on November 9th at 7pm. An invite was sent. If you did not receive an invite, please let...
Seattle Squash welcomed five new members to the SSRA Board of Trustees at the October 19 AGM: Jasmin Samy, Chi-Fei Wang, Drew Katona, Peter Gregory and...
AGM Presidents Message As announced in our latest newsletter, Seattle Squash is excited to get back in the swing of things! Over the past two years of...
The 2022-2023 Seattle Squash League will start play on Tuesday, November 7, with team registration through November 4. The early registration fee is reduced...
All General Meeting, October 19th, 7pm (updated) Location: Seattle Athletic Club - Downtown @ 7pm As a nonprofit governed by its bylaws, we are operated...
Yes, the Washington State Open is back - for the first time since 2019. It will be held at the Seattle Athletic Club October 7-9. A separate email announcement...
d We are excited and cautious that King County has moved into Phase 2 and that means we can play squash wearing masks and with specific guidelines...
The Seattle City Championships for 2020 will be held at the Seattle Athletic Club NORTHGATE (not downtown!) during March 27-29 (local players may start...
Seattle hosted the 2019 Howe Cup during November 15-17, the largest squash event for women in the nation. Forty-four teams of five each competed in four...
We are excited to bring back the Washington State Open to start the 2019-2020 Squash Season. We will be hosting the tournament at the Columbia Athletic...
We will be holding a captains (and anyone interested) meeting on Tuesday Oct 1, 2019 at 7pm at the Seattle Athletic Club Downtown. Please join Eric...
We are excited to report that the Howe Cup 2019 will be held in Seattle at the Seattle Athletic Club, Downtown. Chaired by Lulu Chou, this has been...
On March 22nd - 23rd the Seattle Athletic Club will host their softball doubles open. Entry deadline is March 18th at 12pm and the entry fee is $60...
The Seattle Athletic Club (downtown) is hosting an incredible week of squash in January, with 3 major events: World Championship Exhibition Four of the...
We held a successful Referee clinic on Thursday (Nov 29th) at Seattle Athletics Club - Downtown. There was a healthy participation (15+ people attended),...
Nervous when you have to referee a league match? Not sure the rules on lets and strokes? New to the game and want to meet other squash enthusiasts?Join...
Seattle's Reeham Sedky has made it in to the PSA's Shot of the Month competition for September and October for two different shots! Check out the YouTube...
Please join the Khan family on Saturday, November 3rd from 3 PM to 6 PM to celebrate the life and legacy of Yusuf Khan. Saturday, November...